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If you have been trying to find a suitable mouthpiece or mouthguard to help you stop snoring, AirSnore should be high on your list. This Airsnore review will detail what it, what is in the packaging and how to use it to prevent snoring.
There are 3 options for ordering Airsnore
AirSnore Combo (mouthpiece and drops)
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Habitual snoring is a very common problem. It affects millions of people worldwide. Some estimates suggest that 57% of men and 40% of women snore.
This widespread problem does not only affect people who snore, it can bring untold misery to their partners as well.
In addition to being annoying and unpleasant, snoring also has the potential to cause a number of health issues including an increased risk of heart attacks or strokes. Some research suggests snoring may even increase susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.
Even without the potential health risks, snoring can severely lower quality of life. People who snore or share a bed with someone who does, often sleep so poorly that they feel tired, irritable, and out of sorts during the day.
One way or another, there are a lot of people who are keen to find a good solution to snoring. Some of them opt for surgical procedures, others use an anti-snoring device such as AirSnore.
AirSnore is not, by any means, the only option available, but the results AirSnore users report suggests it's one of the best.
In this review, we take a closer look at AirSnore, highlight its pros and cons, and help you discover if it's the best device to use to control your snoring.
However, before we take a closer look at the solution, it may be helpful if we explain why it is that people snore. When you understand this, it becomes much easier to appreciate why AirSnore works as well as it does.
The rasping noise we call snoring is normally produced by the soft tissue at the back of the throat.
During sleep, the muscle at the back of the throat relaxes. When this happens, the overlying flesh becomes less taut and more susceptible to air turbulence.
When air turbulence occurs, it causes the soft flesh to vibrate and produce noise.
Everyone is subject to this relaxing of the throat muscle during sleep, but some people do not have any of the issues that cause turbulence. That's why some people snore and other people do not. This is where stop snoring devices like AirSnore can really help.
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It's also worth noting people who breathe through their mouths are more likely to snore than people who breathe through their noses. However, a minority of people are nose snorers. In this case, the noise is emitted by the soft tissue in the nasal cavity instead of the tissue at the back of the throat.
Certain factors such as obesity and alcohol abuse can influence snoring, but the main culprit is generally the tongue.
Like the throat muscles, the tongue relaxes during sleep. When this happens, it drops backward, impeding airflow at the back of the throat. This results in the turbulence that's responsible for snoring.
This is probably a good point to explain the relationship between snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
OSA is a potentially life-threatening condition. Snoring is one of the main symptoms.
In the case of normal snoring, the tongue only partially obstructs the airway. With OSA, it continues relaxing and closes the airway completely. This causes an apnea (a short period of non-breathing) that can be up to 30 seconds in length.
When respiration is halted in this way, affected individuals begin to rise from deep sleep. They may even rouse completely but this is not always the case.
As the body rises from deep sleep, tension returns to the muscles, firming them up and reopening the airway at the back of the throat. It would be great if this solved the problem. Unfortunately, it is more a case of rinse and repeat. People suffering from OSA may have up to 400 apneas per night. [ source ]
AirSnore is a two-part system for controlling snoring. It consists of an anti-snoring mouthpiece and some aromatic snore-reducing drops that provide a combination of carefully selected essential oils.
The mouthpiece and drops are available as a combo but you can also buy them individually. However, most people go for the combo because it offers superior results.
If you decide to only buy one option, we suggest you choose the AirSnore anti-snoring mouthpiece because it utilizes proven technology that has a long history of getting results.
The AirSnore Mouthpiece belongs to a category of anti-snoring aids known as mandibular advancement devices (MADs). As the name suggests, they work by gently extending the lower jaw.
The tongue is anchored to the flesh at the bottom of the mouth so, when the jaw moves forward, the tongue has to come with it.
A mandibular advancement device is a fairly new concept. They were originally only available as custom-built prescription devices from dentists. These days, you can buy a "boil and bite" option like the AirSnore mouthpiece and set it up at home.
Boil and bite MADs sit inside the mouth and anchor to the top and bottom teeth. So do dental MADs but the setup is more time-consuming.
Boils and bite MADs have a tray at the bottom and one at the top. Each one contains a special thermoplastic. When you immerse the device in hot water, the plastic becomes soft. In its softened state, it molds to both sets of teeth when you place the device in your mouth and bite down.
Some boil and bite anti-snoring mouthpieces have an adjustment mechanism. AirSnore does not. To obtain the required jaw advancement, you need to push your lower jaw forward during the boil and bite stage.
However, don't make the mistake of thinking you only have one bite of the cherry. If you don't get the process right the first time, you can adjust your jaw positioning and do it again.
One of the big advantages with AirSnore is the price. Dental MADs cost $1000 to $2000. The AirSnore anti-snoring mouthpiece costs less than $50. It works the same way as a dental MAD but won't make such a big hole in your pocket.
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The AirSnore drops provide a combination of five essential oils including eucalyptus, peppermint leaf oil, and lavender. All of them are good for clearing mucus and nasal congestion.
Each of the natural oils also offers value in additional areas other to reduce snoring. For instance, lavender has antibacterial qualities and has a proven ability to aid restful sleep.
The AirSnore anti-snoring mouthpiece will offer the most benefit to most people. As a technology, MADs have been proven to be effective for controlling normal snoring and sleep apnea. [5]
The AirSnore drops may have greater value for nose snorers. The drops' ability to fight congestion and open the sinuses can significantly reduce turbulence inside the nasal cavity.
However, many AirSnore customers prefer the combo because using the mouthpiece and the drops together offers the greatest improvement in overall airflow and also aids restful sleep.
The drops are also handy to have as a standby for those times when colds or flu cause nasal congestion that restricts or prevents nose breathing.
If you set up your oral appliance correctly you can experience a restful night's sleep that very night. Most users stop snoring (or have their snoring reduced) in just one day / night or use.
AirSnore is part of a range of health and wellness brands owned by Wolfson Brands. It's a respected company that's responsible for many leading products including the diet pill PhenQ, which is widely regarded as being the most effective weight management supplement in the world.
Wolfson Brands has been a key player in the supplement industry for several decades but tackling issues with snoring is a break from the norm. However, AirSnore reviews from users show the company has succeeded in creating yet another successful brand and, as with all Wolfson Brands' products, AirSnore is backed by a cast-iron 60-day money-back guarantee.
AirSnore is a high-quality boil and bite anti-snoring mouthpiece that's easy to set up and has no moving parts. Unless you are a nose snorer, the mouthpiece will be the sleep aid. It's best to see the drops as a complementary treatment that improves breathing and can help you to sleep better at night.
Anti-snoring mouthpieces are proven effective [5] and, thanks to the high build quality, AirSnore is a superior option that's comfortable to wear and won't fall out of your mouth during sleep.
However, although anti-snoring mouthpieces are as effective as they are popular, this type of device is not suitable for all. You need to have strong teeth. Especially at the front.
The jaw muscles are more powerful than most people realize. Using an anti-snoring mouthpiece places the teeth under a lot of pressure. If you have gum disease or crowns at the front of your mouth, AirSnore will not be a good choice.
Needless to say, this type of technology is useless for people who wear dentures. Nor is it appropriate if you have dental braces or use a retainer at night.
When you use an anti-snoring mouthpiece for the first time, you may wake up with a headache or sore jaw. However, issues like these should ease off and disappear after your jaw becomes accustomed to being advanced during the night.
As with any other anti-snoring mouthpiece, AirSnore may also cause a little drooling during the night. Not everyone experiences this but it is a pretty common reaction to this type of device.
Even if you do wake up with a damp pillow, on the greater scale of things, that's a small price to pay for being able to sleep soundly, all through the night.
If you have never set up a boil and bite mouthpiece before, don't worry. It's a very easy process.
Here are the things you need:
The small red handle (provided by the manufacturer)
A small bowl filled with very hot water
Insert the handle into the hole at the front of the device. The handle is a handy feature that makes it easy to avoid scalding your fingers. Many manufacturers encourage their customers to fish their mouthpieces from the hot water using a spoon or kitchen tongs. That just makes things difficult. The special handle is a much better idea.
Once the handle is in place, push the mouthpiece under the water as if you were trying to drown a lollipop while holding onto its stick. Allow 15-25 seconds for the plastic to soften and then pull the mouthpiece out of the water, while still keeping a tight hold of the red handle.
That's the boil out of the way, now for the bite. Place the mouthpiece into your mouth and push your lower jaw forward. there is no need to strain. Depending on the severity of your snoring, 2-8mm should be about right.
Next, bite into the soft plastic and use your fingers to help it mold to your teeth and gums. When you are happy with the way the device feels, take it out of your mouth and run it under cold water. Doing this helps the plastic to set.
Return the device to your mouth to make sure you are happy with the fit. If you are, that's it. The process is complete. If not, leave the red handle in place and repeat steps 1-3 again.
With many similar anti-snoring devices, you can only repeat the boil and bite process once or twice. Thanks to the use of special food-grade EVA thermoplastic, with AirSnore, you can repeat the process as many times as you like.
The AirSnore mouthpiece does not have any maintenance requirements. After you get the boil and bite process out of the way, it's a case of job done.
However, as with any other device of this type, you will need to be responsible about mouth hygiene. The hygiene requirements are similar to those for dentures or dental braces. After you have used AirSnore, clean it.
Wolfson Brands suggests soaking the mouthpiece in a glass of cold water that has a little toothpaste in it. Ten minutes should be sufficient. After that, rinse the mouthpiece under the cold faucet and put it away.
If the device contains any food particles, picked up from the teeth, using a toothbrush is a good way to dislodge them.
It's also permissible to clean the device with denture cleaner.
Click here to view Airsnore pricing and special offers
You can only buy AirSnore from the official website but Wolfson Brands offers rapid, free international shipping and a 60-day money-back guarantee.
At the time of this review, the AirSnore anti-snoring mouthpiece was available for just $49.95. The drops were $5 cheaper, and it is possible to buy the two as an anti-snoring combo for $89.95. This option offers the maximum bang for the buck.
Bearing in mind buying the combo entails a $30 saving, there are strong arguments for choosing this option. Even if you don't want to use the drops every night, they are handy to have for those times when you have insomnia or are feeling unwell.
There are several anti-snoring mouthpieces on the market that offer a similar benefit to prevent snoring. We have reviewed the best anti-snoring devices and ranked them accordingly. Some brands that work in a similar way are: VitalSleep, ZQuiet and SnoreRX.
Distributed by a respected company
Provides proven anti-snoring technology (MAD)
Boil and bite mouthpiece that's easy to set up at home
Possible to do multiple boil and bites
Anti-snoring drops are a useful extra that can help control nose snoring
Only available from the official website
No means of adjustment other than boil and bite
No. Not for the mouthpiece and not for the drops. Anyone can use them.
No. Wolfson Brands only distributes this product via the AirSnore website. If it appears to be available elsewhere, the item you are looking at will be fake.
Yes. Absolutely. That's what it's made for. Snoring is an ongoing problem that requires a long-term solution. Your AirSnore mouthpiece can be with you every step of the way. However, you may need to replace it once every year.
The AirSnore mouthpiece has an average lifespan of 9-12 months. However, nothing is written in stone.
If you tend to clench or grind your teeth during the night, the extra pressure on the device may cause it to not last quite so long. The same is true for all the alternative options though, many of which are not built so strong.
No. That's not the way Wolfson Brands does things. The company offers a 60-day money-back guarantee instead. All it asks is for you to use the device for a full 30 days to allow yourself ample time to see what it can do.
The answer is probably not. However, you may be able to do so if all of your front teeth are original and strong. If you are unsure about the strength of your teeth, the best thing to do is discuss your intentions with a dentist and get some expert dental advice.
Although it can take a little while to become used to its presence, many AirSnore reviews from past customers say the device is very comfortable to wear.
Thanks to the high-quality build and use of superior plastics, AirSnore does not have any rough or sharp edges.
A lot of the alternative options do. Especially the cheapest ones. Such options can irritate the side of the tongue, the gums, and the inside of the mouth. You don't have to worry about any of these things with AirSnore.
Yes. Although it's rare to find an anti-snoring mouthguard that successfully pulls this off, AirSnore is a good fit in mouths of all sizes.
No. Unless you have made a mistake during your boil and bite, this anti-snoring mouthguard should stay in place well. If you have made an error, the best thing to do is boil up some hot water and go for it again.
Yes. The device has a vent at the front.
Being overweight can influence snoring, so, if it's necessary, taking steps to lose weight is always a good idea.
Smoking can also make snoring worse. As can overuse of alcohol, especially before bed. There is a lot to be said for adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a nutrient-rich diet, regular exercise, zero smoking, and limited use of alcohol.
The AirSnore anti-snoring mouthpiece is a high-quality alternative to expensive dental devices to stop snoring. It works the same way that they do but provides its results at a fraction of the price.
The AirSnore mouthpiece also has a 60-day money-back guarantee. That's not something your dentist is likely to provide.
Like most of the other anti-snoring mouthpieces you can buy online, AirSnore is set up by boil and bite. However, unlike most of the other options, you are not limited to only one or two tries. You can repeat the boil and bite multiple times.
This ability is due to the use of a special food-grade thermoplastic. Many cheaper options use inferior forms of thermoplastic. Some even use BPA plastic.
There are many concerns about BPA and the possible risks it may present. [ ref ]
Unfortunately, BPA is still in common use. It's present in many plastic containers and bottles. You may also notice a white BPA coating on the interior surface of the container when you open up certain canned goods.
Fortunately, this is not something you need to worry about with the AirSnore mouthpiece. It can stop you from snoring without presenting any hidden risks.
As far as the price goes, the AirSnore anti-snoring mouthpiece is surprisingly cheap. The drops are a little expensive but many snorers will not need them. As for those who do, they have the option of getting a discount via the AirSnore Combo deal.
I hope that this Airsnore mouthpiece review has answered most of your questions.
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