Botched: Injection-obsessed man stuns Dr Dubrow and Dr Nassif with his 'superhero' silicon biceps -

2022-08-20 00:40:29 By : Mr. sand duan

Growing up Barak always knew he wanted to have a body of a superhero.

But when he couldn't achieve his desired look with training alone, he decided to get some cosmetic help.

"Over the course of 13 years, I got silicone injections in my arms and my buttocks, my nose… and my lips," he revealed in a recent episode of Botched.

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While his arms are the exact size he wants them to be, at 21 inches, he started to notice some "hard bumps" in them that needed to be removed.

So he turned to the Botched doctors, Dr Paul Nassif and Dr Terry Dubrow, which you can watch for free on 9Now, to help fix it.

During his consultation, Barak explained each arm has 1200cc of silicone fluid which shocked Dr Dubrow.

"I've never seen or heard of this much silicone being placed in any part of the body," he told the camera.

"They can be very painful and cosmetically deforming, and difficult – if not impossible – to remove. And it's a real scary thing."

Barak and his ex-fiancé, who still remain good friends, explained that is was his obsession with silicone which ended their relationship.

"He broke up with me while in the process of getting my arms done... he was very against it," Barak admitted.

But they both now agree that they are better off as friends.

READ MORE: Man with 'shark-bite-sized' hole in his stomach seeks help on Botched

When it came to inspecting Barak's biceps, Dr Dubrow explained they could remove it, but the risks far outweigh the benefits. 

"An incision could be made and you could dissect out the granuloma (lump). But if you do that, you have a significant risk of nerve injury, which is a partial paralysis," he told Barak.

Barak was "very happy" to hear that the silicone in his arms wasn't a big health issue. He just hopes that the lumps stay the same size and don't move. 

"I love my arms. I like the way I look and if people don't like it, it's their problem, not mine," he told the camera.

Watch Barak's full story on Botched in the episode 'I Got Dumped Because of My Plastic Surgery'.

Stream episodes of Botched for free on 9Now.

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