Let's pay a visit to a zipper factory!
Chances are you probably use a zipper at least once every day of your life. From jackets to pencil cases, zippers are absolutely everywhere in our modern world.
While you probably never give them a second thought until they break or jam,
Just announced: The opening of the Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity, a combination museum/learning center "that aims to bring the lessons of Ray and Charles Eames to those looking to solve today's most challenging issues," the organization writes.
Curated by archivist Llisa Demetrio
Additive manufacturing is this month’s focus in Manufacturing Engineering. As you’ll read in this month’s pages, AM is spreading its reach even as there are challenges to more widespread adoption.
The evidence of AM becoming mainstream is everywhere. It is even evident
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SAN FRANCISCO , March 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The global injection molding market size is anticipated to reach USD 397.6 billion by 2030, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. The market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 4.
GIS and Technology news for mapping professionals
What do you do when you’ve designed the perfect product, but can’t find anyone who makes what you need? Most people would simply give up, but if you have the knowledge and skill to create your own custom injection molding, there are n
You undoubtedly know this chair, the Eames Plywood Chair LCW (Lounge Chair Wood):
These days they're undoubtedly made in a fancy press, but you might be wondering how Charles and Ray managed to mold the plywood back in the '40s.
The answer, according to Vitra, is this thing belo
Vincent Hua from Tsinfa gave Medical Plastics News their expert opinion on micro moulding and medical plastics.
Manufacturers of medical devices, electronics, and biopharmaceuticals require newer micro-moulded goods to make tinier, less intrusive, and space-saving micro devices. Recent b
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The decision will likely be appealed to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, where a majority of judges were appointed by GOP presidents.
The ruling comes less than six months before the state’s first major election since the new law was passed by the Florida Legislature. | AP Photo/Ste
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – A federal judge in Tallahassee has ruled that Florida lawmakers overstepped their authority last year concerning an election reform law.
The judge didn’t just overturn it. He called the law an attack on the voting rights of Black citizens.
In a 288-page rul