Parts of Dickson College still closed after multiple safety breaches | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT

2022-07-30 00:06:15 By : Mr. Tungpok Chan

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Parts of Dickson College remain closed after WorkSafe ACT officers discovered black mould, water damage and possum excrement in some buildings.

The work safety regulator issued a prohibition notice in June which banned staff and students from entering the SOSE/humanities block D and the Anthill Theatre until an occupational hygienist had certified that the areas were safe.

The inspectors found black mould on suspended ceiling tiles in the humanities corridor and in the theatre fire hose reel cabinet.

They also saw possum faeces and urine on the floor and in the light fittings of the theatre, as well as extensive water damage on suspended ceiling tiles throughout the school.

WorkSafe ACT issued three further improvement notices in early July.

One notice stated that two heaters had been placed on a bench, creating a risk of falling on a person, and two had been placed in the woodwork room, which posed a risk of explosion.

Another notice said the carbon dioxide monitoring devices issued by the Education Directorate were inaccurate.

The Education Directorate was required to clean up the mould and possum faeces and urine by July 15.

A WorkSafe ACT spokesperson said inspectors were continuing to make enquiries into the matter.

"As it is ongoing, we will make no further comment at this time," the spokesperson said.

An Education Directorate spokeswoman said the issues with unsafe heating, mould and excrement had been remedied.

"Under the requirements of the prohibition notice, we are currently conducting monitoring of ventilation. This is taking place over a three-week period - which finishes in early August," the spokeswoman said.

"We are awaiting notification from WorkSafe prior to opening up the affected areas."

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Sarah covers all stages of education in the capital, from early childhood to higher education. Previously she was a general news reporter at The Advocate in North West Tasmania. She was named Best New Journalist at the 2019 Tasmanian Media Awards for a series on paramedic shortages. Email:

Sarah covers all stages of education in the capital, from early childhood to higher education. Previously she was a general news reporter at The Advocate in North West Tasmania. She was named Best New Journalist at the 2019 Tasmanian Media Awards for a series on paramedic shortages. Email:

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