Photos show creepy abandoned mansion full of mould and mannequin parts | Metro News

2022-06-18 20:00:00 By : Ms. Aileen AI


A Kent mansion left abandoned over a decade ago has been photographed, with pictures showing rooms full of discarded clothing and mannequin limbs.

Urban explorer Joshua King, 27, alongside his friends Joshua Lang, 27, and Isaac Rye, 26, from Newbury, Berkshire, UK captured the snaps of the scary property on a camera phone.

One photo from inside the huge Victorian structure shows a fully made bedroom, with the bed covered in black mould, having been left to rot for years.

In a second, the bust of a mannequin can be seen propped at the bottom of a staircase, while another shows the bathroom in which an aged bathtub was left to peel surrounded by walls that were covered in dripping green mould.

‘I was captivated by how many floors and rooms the place had and was overwhelmed with photo opportunities,’ said Joshua.

‘The amount of artistic graffiti was breathtaking, every corner you took there was a different piece to be mesmerised by.

‘Most of the building was still furnished, but personal possessions of the occupants had been taken bar one of the downstairs apartments.

‘In there were what felt like the complete possessions of a woman in her early twenties.

‘It felt like she must have left in a hurry or perhaps had taken the decision to declutter her life when she left.

‘In the room were many clothes, her bra was still on her ready-made bed and the floor was covered in shoes.

‘I looked through a box full of CDs and saw albums from bands of the early noughties and nineties.

‘In the loft, there were mannequins, sewing equipment, measuring tape and many more clothes suggesting she worked in fashion.

‘Clearly someone capable of making bold and difficult decisions in great haste lived there or perhaps simply had little regard for her material possessions.’

There are also hints that squatters may have taken up residence there previously, with mattresses littering the floors.

‘Our exploration turned a little scary towards the end once we entered the basement,’ said Joshua.

‘Littered with spiders covered in fungus, the sight wasn’t for the faint-hearted.

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‘We stopped for a minute to discuss something and were startled by a squeaking, scratching noise.

‘We were frozen in place for a moment until I quickly ran into the hallway where the noise originated from.

‘Before I even uttered the words I heard heavy footsteps running towards me from the opposing room.

‘I jumped back when all of a sudden the torch started to flicker, which was odd as it had been fully charged.

‘We got out of there pretty quickly.’

Yeah, that’s a hard pass from us.

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