PSEG Long Island begins storm hardening work of Far Rockaway electrical infrastructure –

2022-07-16 00:37:51 By : Ms. Sales Team

With the 10-year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy approaching this fall, PSEG Long Island has begun a four-month-long “circuit reliability upgrades” project in Far Rockaway and Inwood.

The storm-hardening work includes stronger utility poles that are capable of withstanding winds up to 135 mph and current wire will be replaced with more resilient and durable wire. To help deflect falling tree limbs instead of catching them, the utility company will be installing shorter cross arms atop some of the poles. PSEG Long Island will upgrade or replace worn equipment as necessary.

The work is being done as part of many system improvements in the five-year “Power On” program that launched in 2020 to strengthen nearly 200 miles of vulnerable distribution mainline circuits in the Rockaways and Long Island that have been storm hardened with stronger poles, thicker wire and other modern equipment.

“PSEG Long Island focuses in on strengthening the electric lines that directly power homes and businesses because we know electric reliability is more important than ever to our customers,” PSEG Long Island VP of Construction and Operations Services Peggy Keane said. “This Power On infrastructure improvement project in Far Rockaway and Inwood is part of our ongoing, multiyear effort to continue to improve electric reliability for our customers.”

Crews will be working on the following streets in Far Rockaway and Inwood: Horton Avenue between Pinson Street and Nameoke Avenue Sheridan Boulevard between Horton Avenue and Solomon Avenue Donahue Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Solomon Avenue Solomon Avenue between Sheridan Boulevard and Doughty Boulevard Sheridan Boulevard between Mott Avenue and Doughty Boulevard Doughty Boulevard between Sheridan Boulevard and Mott Avenue Burnside Avenue between Doughty Boulevard and West End Avenue

PSEG Long Island said the investment has strengthened the system so that fewer customers experience outages and, when they do occur, the duration is shorter, especially during extreme weather. From the first quarter of 2021 to the first quarter of 2022, the sections of circuits that are storm hardened saw a 44% reduction in damage leading to outages compared to the rest of the distribution system.

As part of its physical distancing protocols, PSEG Long Island asks that customers remain in their homes when crews are working in the area. For more information on the storm hardening project, visit

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