MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - Many residents and tourists may have noticed a big rubber duck in Marquette this week.
The world’s largest rubber duck, “Mama Duck” made a visit to Marquette’s Lower Harbor this weekend as part of the Festival of Sail. The duck is 61 feet high, 69 feet wide, 79 feet long and weighs 31,500 pounds.
Accompanied by three replicated 1800-era warships, the Festival of Sail brings a unique experience to Marquette. Free to onlookers, and a fee who want to tour, the warships are a sight to see. As one Marquette resident Ana Gabriel describes, it was the rubber duck that got her attention.
“I’ve actually been waiting like five months for this event because, it’s a giant rubber ducky, it’s pretty exciting,” said Gabriel.
The Festival of Sail and Mama Duck will be at Lower Harbor until 5 p.m. on Sunday, Aug 13.
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