Bob Swenson, former and owner of AmeriTi Manufacturing, which he sold in April, has launched Detroit-based TriTech Titanium Parts — a spinoff of his previous company — that focuses on the manufacturing of titanium parts.
Organized in response to market needs, TriTech produces net shape titanium parts using the most appropriate technology for the part and the customer. TriTech’s array of three production technologies includes 3-D binder jet printing, metal injection molding, and investment casting.
The company also offers small-batch and large-volume production orders for industrial, aerospace, automotive, medical, and other markets.
“There is no one-technology-fits-all when manufacturing titanium precision parts to produce the best performance characteristics,” says Swenson. “We’ve proven that different technologies provide different results and therefore we have assembled a one-stop production resource offering the best option to many industries from automotive and industrial to medical and aerospace. We match the design to the best manufacturing process to make a superior part.”
The 3-D printing is the latest addition, and the binder jet process is a unique, cutting-edge manufacturing process for producing complex titanium parts. All the processes for producing titanium parts are highly specialized and have been developed internally to consistently achieve best practices for quality, performance, and delivery.
TriTech’s broad manufacturing solutions can be used for both small batch and large volume requirements for titanium parts production, as well as rapid prototyping to expedite product development and component testing as well as design and production decisions.
“We can go quickly from prototype to production to meet tight launch schedules and first-to-market product requirements,” says Swenson.
With a fully domestic supply chain, TriTech is a single-sourced manufacturing solution under one roof with its engineering and production facility located at 6401 E. Seven Mile Rd. in Detroit.
“At TriTech, we collaborate directly with the customer, preferably starting with the design phase, so we can help our customers design a part for manufacturability that also fits their requirements,” says Swenson. “Every part we make is custom-made.”
To learn more, click here.
Editor: R.J. King Associate Editor: Jake Bekemeyer